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How To Clean A Kohler Stainless Steel Sink (TIPS & Hacks)

How to Clean a Kohler Stainless Steel Sink

A clean Kohler sink can be a beautiful and elegant addition to your kitchen. But you’ll need to know how to clean a Kohler stainless steel sink.

Over time, the sink may get scratched or discolored. If this happens, you need to clean the sink as soon as possible. Cleaning is not difficult, but it does require some special considerations.

The steps you need to take may vary depending on the state of your appliance. If it has scratches, it should be treated after cleaning the sink. If it is stained, you should clean it immediately. If there are mineral deposits or chemical stains, they will need to be treated separately.

How to Clean a Kohler Stainless Steel Sink

How To Clean A Kohler Stainless Steel Sink

You will require the following tools:

  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Dishwashing soap
  • A non-scratch sponge or rag
  • A scouring pad (non-scratch)
  • A bucket
  • Scratch remover, if necessary

1. Prepare the Sink for Cleaning

Prepare the area you will be working in. Wash the sink with dishwashing soap and water to remove any grease, oil, or food particles that may prevent cleaning agents from penetrating effectively.

Use a moderate abrasion pad to remove hard water stains, rust, and any other mineral deposits.

Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow it to dry before you continue cleaning.

If there is still some grease or food particles on your appliance, use vinegar mixed in warm water and a scouring pad to remove them. It is only necessary if they are present.

2. Applying the Cleaning Agents

Mix dishwashing liquid with baking soda and vinegar in equal parts. These ingredients will form a paste that you should apply to the stains, scratches, and rust spots on your Kohler sink.

Baking soda is a natural ingredient that will help to polish and brighten the surface. The vinegar is a mild acid that will clean, deodorize and remove hard water stains from the stainless steel sink.

Allow it to remain there for about 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with clean water again.

Step 3. Scrubbing the Sink

If you have stubborn stains or scratches on your Kohler stainless steel sink, use a non-scratch scouring pad to remove them. You should use this method if the previous steps do not work.

This step aims to clean and polish the surface so that it looks natural and bright again.

Observe the following before scrubbing:

  • Put on your gloves and eyewear to protect yourself from the harsh chemicals of your cleaning agents.
  • Please do not use a scouring pad that has metal in it. It may scratch the surface and ruin its appearance for good.
  • Be careful when scrubbing, so you do not damage any sensitive areas such as hinges or handles on your appliance.
  • Scrub along the grain to avoid scratching or damaging the surface

4. Rinsing the Sink

Ensure that the baking powder and vinegar sit for the required amount of time before you rinse it off. The residues of these ingredients are abrasive.

They will remove the surface stains, but they may also damage your sink if you do not wait for them to dissolve completely before rinsing.

Once you have finished scrubbing, allow the ink to dry completely. Rinse it with clean water several times until you are sure that there is no chemical residue left on the surface of your sink.

It will give a uniform appearance and prevent streaking when drying occurs.

If there is still some residue left on the surface even after rinsing several times, use mineral turpentine to remove them. Mineral turpentine will evaporate quickly and leave no residue behind.

Step 5. Drying and Polishing the Sink

You can avoid water spots by allowing your appliance to air dry. If this is not possible, use a lint-free cloth or paper towel to remove any residual moisture on its surface before you let it air dry completely.

Once dried, apply a coat of car wax or mineral oil on the entire sink surface if possible for extra protection and shine.

How Do You Clean a Dull Stainless Steel Sink

Cleaning a dull stainless steel sink can be challenging. This is because it might appear clean at first, but the stains will start to show up later on as time goes by.

Here are some tips on how you can maintain your Kohler stainless steel sink so that its surface remains shiny and bright for an extended period:

  • Make sure that your sink is free of any existing rust. Use warm water and a scouring pad to remove the rust. It is only necessary if rust is present.
  • Use baking soda and dishwashing liquid agents for your Kohler stainless steel sink to restore its shine.
  • Mix a teaspoon of each in equal parts with white vinegar.
  • Apply this mixture to the stains, scratches, and rust spots on your Kohler sink using a non-scratch scouring pad or cotton cloth.
  • Allow it to remain there for about 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with clean water again.
  • Scrub the sink
  • Use a non-scratch scouring pad for cleaning Kohler stainless steel sink scratches

Wrap Up

You should do the cleaning at least once a month to keep your stainless steel sink clean and bright.

Do not use any harsh chemical cleaners on Kohler stainless steel sinks because this will damage the surface of your sink permanently.

Regular cleaning using baking soda, dishwashing liquid agents, or vinegar is enough for its maintenance. You can also apply wax after rinsing so that it remains shiny and bright.

Ensure that you follow all safety precautions when using cleaning products to avoid injuries or accidents. Keep your stainless steel sink clean and shiny for an extended period by following the steps above.